What is Public Adjusting?

Most people who have a claim have no idea how to prepare and adjust it properly. They more or less rely on their insurance company’s adjuster to do that for them which can be a big mistake. What you must understand is that it is the insurance adjuster’s job to make company-motivated settlements with policyholders, most of whom lack the fundamental information and adjusting skills to advocate for themselves. A public adjuster can help you level the playing field.

A public adjuster is used to advocate for you, the policyholder, by reviewing your damage, assessing your insurance policy, and negotiating the highest possible payout for your claim all with your best interest in mind. Usually, only the person representing the insurance company is considered the adjuster, and the policyholder receives his/her adjustment from that insurance company adjuster. This leaves you ready to settle since you are most likely unaware of how to judge a fair settlement and can be led astray by the insurance adjuster. A public adjuster can spot when something isn’t working in your favor and can use their knowledge and bargaining power to provide you with a better outcome. On top of this, insurance adjusters facing a knowledgeable public adjuster usually enter on a more cooperative basis. There is also a strong likelihood that the insurance adjuster and public adjuster will strive for common goals.

Along with bringing knowledge and a licensed background to the table, public adjusters provide you with relief. Usually, a policyholder is having to deal with a claim following a disaster. Psychologically, most people are not up to the task under these circumstances. It is very common to see people in a state of shock, confusion, and helplessness. A professional public adjuster will be emotionally level and competent enough to properly assist you with your situation. The time of a personal disaster is not the time to be thinking about all of this for the first time. Connect with us now and we will assign you a public adjuster even if you don’t currently have a claim. Take comfort in knowing that a public adjuster can be there to protect your interests if indeed the unthinkable happens to you.

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